Pilgrimage To The Self

A deep dive in the liberating fire of Arunachala's grace

An immersive 9-day residential retreat for No Ego grads and Practitioners

19-28 February 2024

Pilgrimage To The Self

A deep dive in the liberating fire of Arunachala's grace

19-28 February 2024

An immersive 9-day residential retreat for
No Ego grads and Practitioners

Your invitation from Janaki 
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Pilgrimage to the Self 

It will be held at what is considered to be one of the most powerful spiritually charged sites in India, at the foot of the sacred mountain Arunachala, where liberation is said to be possible in an instant. The liberating, transmutational presence of the mountain is experienced as a holy fire, a force of nature that is mystically and mysteriously so omnipresent. It pulls apart the scaffolding of the Ego, burns through the lies of our fixation and steals away our minds. Ancient lore has it that this mountain is the very feet of Shiva (where the fire burns brightest and hottest)  A fire which dances on the dwarf of fixation and destroys the illusion of ego.

It is also the holy mountain where one of Indias’s most revered modern day saints, Sri Ramana Maharishi, realized enlightenment and lived out his life in the silent all pervasive freedom of enlightenment .Even though he left his physical form in 1950,   his presence is still so palpably powerful and omnipresent that over 6 million people a year come to pay homage to his shrine and to immerse themselves in his enlightened awareness that continues to permeate the whole region. It was at his feet that Papaji, the master that has been so influential in Brandon’s  spiritual journey realized enlightenment.

I am ready to book
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The retreat takes place in the comfort of  Sparsa Resort, Tiruvannamalai
This deeply intimate and personal retreat will take place in the sanctuary and comfort of a lovely 4-star boutique Eco-hotel positioned at the very foot of the holy mountain Arunachala. The evocative ambience of the Sparsa resort blends traditional local charm with modern amenities and all of our rooms are nestled in lush natural landscaped gardens, filled with flowers, plants and birdsong.

We will have exclusive use of the venue and it is Brandon’s prayer that we turn this charming hotel into our own sacred monastery or ashram (in Sanskrit, place of rest). The melodious sounds of our chants and prayers will be played softly throughout the gardens day and night, almost like a caress wafting us to sleep at night. Yoga will take place on the green lawns and our intimate outdoor satsangs on the rooftop will have the ever-present backdrop of Arunachala’s powerful liberating presence embracing us. 

We will have time to deeply immerse ourselves in the mountain’s grace 24/7. We will take time to bathe in the powerful presence in Ramana’s mediations caves, time for walking the mountain in silence, circumambulating it, opening with what the mountain has to reveal to us. We will have time for mediation and chanting in Ramana’s ashram. Time for journaling and time in our satsang hall, sitting in the omnipresent fire, letting the liberating process-work designed specifically for this pilgrimage peel away lifetimes of karma and limiting self-defining constructs that we have unknowingly taken up residence in. It will be a sublime immersion in grace all day and night, every day and every night.  

Because the hotel is intimate, places will be limited to 70 and will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis.

I am ready to book
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 The Accommodation Package INCLUDES:
  • Personal airport pick up from Chennai Airport and stay at a 5* hotel
  • Private bus 3½ hour drive to Arunachala
  • 8 nights’  twin-shared* accommodation at the simple but beautiful 4-star Eco Resort Thiruvannamalai Sparsa at the foot of Mount Arunachala
  • Gourmet vegetarian meals and refreshments
  • All land transportation and pilgrimage excursions

The accommodation package cost is €1400 per person and is to be paid separately to your course fee.

*  A SINGLE Room may be possible at an additional supplement and based on the understanding that it will be at another venue, within close range of Sparsa.


  • A payment of 100% of the total cost of accommodation is required before 10/1/2024
  • The client can cancel the room until 40 days before the arrival date (10/1/2024) without cancellation fee.
  •  In case of cancellations after 11/1/2024, no show, departure before the agreed or arrival after the agreed, 100% of the stay will be charged as cancellation fee.
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Flights & Timings 
  Fly to Chennai, India  
Monday 19th February 2024 - Arrival Day 
You should plan your arrival in CHENNAI anytime on the 19th February up until 10pm/22:00 (NO LATER)

We will overnight in Chennai and all leave together for Tiruvannamalai on the 20th

Wednesday 28th - Departure Day
8am Breakfast in Tiruvannamalai
Departures to Chennai

Flights NO EARLIER than 6pm/18:00 on the 28th February 2024
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Course Fee:  €2797

Early Bird:     €2497

E/B price until 30th November & only whilst places are available

Included in your COURSE fee:

  • Daily yoga
  • Meditations
  • Satsang
  • full course materials

Not Included: Accommodation package, flights to Chennai.
