Conscious Abundance Retreat

2½-Day Seminar with Brandon Bays &
an International Co-Host
exclusively for Graduates from The Journey Intensive


Discover how you’ve been living with one foot on the gas pedal and the other on the brake, and clear the blocks in your life to increase your flow of abundance, naturally.

Yes, I'm Ready To Release My Abundance Blocks

2½-Day Seminar with Brandon Bays & an International Co-Host


Discover how you’ve been living with one foot on the gas pedal and the other on the brake, and clear the blocks in your life to increase your flow of abundance, naturally.

Does This Sound
Like You?

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"I've been to abundance programs before but only a couple of things manifested after."

"It seems like everybody else is luckier than I am. For some, miracles just happen, but not for me..."

"I don't know what I really want from life. I don't have a grand vision for my life."

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You're Not Alone.

"I keep pinching myself because the abundance in my life since the seminar is almost unbelievable!"
"The day after I registered for the seminar my husband, the sole provider for our family of four, lost his job. I came to the seminar with a huge knot of fear in my gut that we might lose our home. 

After the retreat... We got a call from the bank - they found a bank error; we’d been making double mortgage payments since we’d bought our home!

A few weeks later my car wouldn’t start. On a hunch, I called the retirement trust fund my parents left me. I received dividends which I had no knowledge
I was entitled to!


Clear Your Hidden Limitations and Manifest True Abundance!

Most courses on abundance teach how to put out for what you want in life, yet the question remains, why does some of it happen and some not?

The Conscious Abundance retreat is unique in offering you insights into a deeper truth. You’ll realize how you’ve been living with one foot on the gas pedal and the other on the brake.

As you clear the blocks in your life, you’ll increase the flow of abundance, naturally.

Living a life of scarcity, and unconsciously nurturing our silent saboteurs wreaks havoc in our lives. And working harder doesn’t always give us the results we desire.

Some deep and life-lasting clearing and healing will do the job. When we shift our relationship with abundance in one arena of our life, the ripple effects of these healthy changes whoosh into all areas of our life. We create a reality that aligns with our purpose and values.

So, are you ready to interrupt these old, auto-pilot responses and allow limitless abundance to flow?

This Could Be You...

I keep pinching myself because the abundance in my life since the seminar is almost unbelievable.
I was a single mother living on food stamps. After the weekend, I more than tripled my income.
After my second Abundance retreat, I was able to manifest a fabulous relationship with a man that I am now engaged to who truly loves me for who I am.
The prayers and intentions I put out for seem to just pop into my life quite miraculously after the Conscious Abundance event.
Everything I put on my ‘manifestation list’ during the retreat came true within one year!



The Abundance Retreat That Starts Where Most Similar Programs End
Uproot Your Unconscious Blocks To Abundance
Whether it's your negative beliefs, low self-worth, low self-esteem, fears, or any other 'silent saboteur', you'll discover and root them out.
Experience A Deeply Liberating Spring-Clean
And release self-denying patterns and borrowed belief systems that have been buried deep inside you, maybe since childhood.
Discover Your Heart's
Deepest Desires
And envision a brand new, more fulfilling life. Reunite with profound and deep gratitude for all that you already have in life.
Create A Dynamic Action Plan For Life At Home
So that going back into daily life, you'll follow practical steps to encourage abundance to flourish in all areas of your life.
"I moved into my own house and manifested my husband."
"Everything I put on my ‘manifestation list’ during the retreat came true within one year! And these were not small things!

I moved into my own house and manifested my husband in that time. Such a blessing and so grateful!"


This Is How It Looks Inside:


That's right. Two and a half days full of teachings and practical work. ALL ONLINE.


From hand-selected trainers and a co-presenter to help you with any blockages.


With fellow participants to help you discover your personal blocks to abundance.


For 2 full weeks after the weekend so you can re-visit the teachings and let them sink in.
Yes, I'm Ready For Abundant Life

Event Timings




18:00 - 22:00 Welcome and Evening Session

08:00 - 12:30   Morning Session
12:30 - 13:15   Lunch Break
13:15 - 20:30   Afternoon Session

08:00 - 13:00 Morning Session
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 - 18:30 Afternoon Session. 

Event Timings


18:00 - 22:00 Welcome and Evening Session


08:00 - 12:30   Morning Session
12:30 - 13:15   Lunch Break
13:15 - 20:30   Afternoon Session


08:00 - 13:00 Morning Session
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 - 18:30 Afternoon Session. 

Secure Your Place Today


with co-host

Bettina Hallifax
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Die Veranstaltung findet auf Deutsch statt
14-16 Mar 2025


with co-host

Arnold Timmerman
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21-23 March 2025


with co-host

Arnold Timmerman
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6-8 June 2025


with co-host
Sharon Sedgwick-Wilcock
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TBD 2025


with co-host

Arnold Timmerman
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28-30 November 2025


with co-host
Yollana Shore
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5-7 Dec 2025
Joining Now
You'll Get All This:
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2 ½ days full of teachings and practical work to release your abundance blocks
LIVE support from a hand-picked Journey Presenter and trainers
Access to the teachings for 2 full weeks after the weekend
Downloadable process scripts to use forever
Journey Process swaps with fellow participants
Support from like-minded souls in the community group scripts to use forever
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Yes, I'm Ready For Abundant Life
* The prerequisite for this program is The Journey Intensive.
We only use secured payment gateways!

From the Life of Food Stamps to a New Car, a New Home & Fulfilling Relationships

"I was a single mother living on food stamps and about $850 a month supporting two children and living in the middle of nowhere up in the mountains.

My car broke down and I had no way to fix it. I also had overwhelming Credit card debt etc. I had tried over 6 home businesses trying to make something work so I could stay at home with my girls.

I was a mess and so was my life. I ended up going to the Journey Abundance Retreat and it completely changed my life as I watched the old patterns disappear and the new stuff start to manifest.

Interestingly enough my heart’s desire wasn’t about money or the stuff, it was actually about my connections with source and balance to staying true to myself to be a better person.

After that process that weekend, I was offered a job here at the Journey, and I more than tripled my income and was able to go through the practitioner program.

I now have a beautiful home with a garden, waterfall, roses, nice car, fabulous furniture... Living in a neighborhood with a swimming pool and parks. I have my credit cards under control and I just bought a second home.

After my second Abundance retreat, I was able to manifest a fabulous relationship with a man that I am now engaged to who truly loves me for who I am.

After my third Abundance retreat, I was able to settle some issues with my children and more with my credit cards and I watched as the money came pouring in from unexpected sources. 

I'm amazed at how things have manifested in my life over the last year while I've been doing this work. I feel more at peace now than I ever had.

I also now have tools, including the abundance process, to deal with the issues that come up in my life.

It’s up to you what you decide to do. I can tell you that the Journey has been absolutely life-changing for me and my children and some family members."


Here's What Others Have Asked:

The doors will close on the DAY BEFORE the event starts, at 1pm. So don't miss out.

Conscious Abundance is not like other programs. It reveals those undeniable self-sabotaging habits that have kept you in a rut in the past. It teaches you state of the art skills that are simple and user friendly. With practice and support you will be the change you ultimately want to see in this world because you are going to learn HOW to live a life of abundance. And, ultimately it is your decision to heal those patterns and to create a healthy set of inspiring beliefs that motivate you to grow. No one else can do that for you. So, you need to be 100% committed to truly feel and realize the results.

Interestingly, money is often the most common reason people say they can't join or do something when their body and being know they need to. Of course, we also want to support you, so you will find payment plan options at the checkout!
Perhaps ask yourself this type of question: "Can I afford NOT to do this program because the cost will be greater if I continue with the status quo?" And if your answer reveals that the investment of time and money is a worthwhile investment into your present and future, then make yourself a priority and dedicate the resources to your wellbeing.

The technology we use is elegant and simple. If you are not yet tech savvy, no worries. We have support waiting to show you the ropes and walk you through the program

Just two and a half days of full commitment, and that's it!

Life is busy, it's always busy if we let it be. Maybe it's time to carve out some sacred space for you to do self-care, to learn new tools, and to start fresh in life.

Just like we schedule other events into our calendar, consider making yourself a priority and booking your personal growth time in the midst of all of the busyness we experience. You may find that you make completely different choices once you realize that being distracted was an unhealthy and unnecessary habit to avoid feeling key emotions supported by unhealthy beliefs.

The only pre-requisite for this program is The Journey Intensive. Once you know the fundamental tools, you'll now start to build upon those.

You are ready for this program if you want more out of life, if you're sick and tired of being stuck in a rut, if you know that you have more to offer to life than you are presently doing and if you want to create, flourish and let flow abundance in all aspects of life.

We will teach the skills, you don't already have to know them to be able to benefit from this program.

What you do need to be prepared for is to be willing to try something new, to explore uncharted territories in your life, to be open to change and to demand of yourself more than you are currently accustomed to.

DISCLAIMER: The Journey Method is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition or illness, nor has it been scientifically validated in such regard. We can make no promises or guarantees as to its effects, and advise you to always follow the advice of your qualified medical practitioner.

What we do know, however, is that there is increasing scientific research that validates healing at a cellular level. Furthermore, over the past 20+ years many thousands of people have used The Journey Method with, according to their own reports, extraordinary and lasting results. If you would like to discover your own body’s natural healing potential and liberate your infinite potential, we are confident you too will become one of our ardent advocates.

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