Feel deeply nourished and cleansed from the inside out
Greece, 3-9 JUNE 2025
exclusively for Journey Graduates!

Clear out and heal from past emotional, physical and mental pains and transform your life! Radiant Health Retreat, is a program that allows each of us to discover and clear unhealthy habits and behaviours we unwittingly do.
25% Early Bird discount available
Use code RH25 at checkout

Valid until 31 December, 2024
Gaby Burt
Radiant Health Retreat Facilitator
Dorothe Trassl
Yoga and Movement Facilitator
Welcome to Radiant Health!
Stop and feel
We may not even know what these self-sabotaging habits are yet, or from whence they originally came...yet there is something within us that knows we are capable of living a more conscious and vibrant life.  When we stop and feel...and when we truly learn to listen to ourselves... these unhealthy patterns and behaviours can point directly to what we truly feel about ourselves. It can also become crystal clear what positive actionable steps we need to take to make a significant difference in our lives.
Great techniques
The content of this residential seminar is specifically filled with The Journey Intensive & Advanced Skills and techniques from:
- Out of the Blue program
- Healing with Conscious
Communication program
- Visionary Leadership Advanced program
We support the emotional healing with superb meals and with phenomenal body movement techniques.
The unique energy of Greece
We get to do this in the safe and embracing energies of like minded people who want the best for themselves too...our venue will become our own retreat centre ...a sublime sanctuary of energy and peace...

Come meet some friends and lose some unhealthy habits! See you in Greece!
“The Radiant Health retreat for me was the most nurturing event I have had the pleasure to attend.

It offered the feeling of being on holiday experiencing delicious food and the most amazing yoga and body work in a stunning location and environment whilst providing a healthy and nutritional diet and deep clearing work that is on a level of some of the Journey’s most advanced events.

My intention for the week was to lose weight, eat a healthier diet, clear my food fixation and patterns for unhealthy and unsupportive behaviours that did not honour my body or being.

Since returning 7 weeks ago I have lost 7 kilos in weight, I have changed my eating habits to more healthy and inspiring options whilst still allowing a glass of wine or piece of chocolate if I desire it. There is no hardship in the changes that I have made and I feel more free in myself than I ever have before, my body feels lighter, not just literally! and as if a heaviness has been lifted from my guts.

I have had stomach issues since the age of 16 and had previous medical diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis and more recently a hiatus hernia. I was often bloated and full of gas and can honestly tell you all of the symptoms related with these diagnosis have gone in just 7 weeks.

I cannot recommend this event highly enough and whether you want to clear unhealthy behaviours within your life or just treat your mind, body and being to a week of pure indulgence then this is the event for you.”
JANE SYMONDS, Journey Practitioner Program Manager
Leave ready to live a more vibrant and healthy lifestyle
Effective tools
We are inviting you to join us in the Radiant Health Retreat where our presenter will be sharing with you highly effective tools of getting to the root cause of unhealthy patterns and behaviors that affect all aspects of our lives. It’s a hands-on retreat where you’ll be resolving long-standing issues such as low self-esteem, poor self-image, lack of willpower, procrastination and much more.
Different retreat
What makes this retreat different from all other retreat programs? This health retreat focuses on offering tools that allow us to access deeply rooted unhealthy patterns and behaviours that create frustration and the feeling of worthlessness. So, if we want real and lasting change we must be willing to look beneath the surface, we need to go much deeper… we need to pull these old unhealthy habits out by their roots. Food is one of the coping mechanisms we use to distract ourselves from feeling certain intense emotions fully…drink can be another way to hide and protect ourselves from past abuses. Over exercising or being a couch potato are yet other ways of hiding how we truly feel.
Radical transformation
Imagine the possibilities when we turn and face our fears, our past pains and our hurts. Picture your body and being feeling vibrant and healthy…radically transformed…while you consciously choose a much healthier lifestyle from here forward.
During the retreat you’ll feast on healthy food and have plenty of exercise, but, more importantly, you’ll undergo Journey processing to banish deep-seated, unhealthy behaviours and learn ways to create lasting change.

Important: This retreat is for everyone who wants to honour their body, mind and being and live a happy and joyous life.
How to put yourself on a healthy path of movement and exercise which includes yoga and E-Motion movements which will take the group through daily exercises, including stretching and shaking – all skills designed to unearth deeply buried issues. These past events and traumas can be cleared and resolved in a very supportive and safe setting.
Motivate you
to create healthy, liberating and lasting lifestyle and health shifts – shifts that will allow you to reach and maintain your goals, overall health and vitality.
long-standing issues such as low self-esteem, poor self-image, lack of willpower, procrastination, insecurity, anxiety, feelings of emptiness, physical ailments and lots more.
healthy and cleansing foods into your diet. The meals are specifically designed and chosen to support and heal the body. 
to dive into the deeper, wiser part of you to create alignment and a sense of effortlessness in many areas of your life.
JOIN US IN GREECE, 3-9 June 2025
25% Early Bird discount available
Use code RH25 at checkout

Valid until 31 December, 2024
Please note that you must be a Journey Intensive graduate to attend this retreat
Imagine how you will feel when your lifestyle is inspired by physical activities and exercises that support a strong and healthy body… When your meals are fuelled by rich, healthy food choices that nurture and revitalize the cells of your being… When your emotional health is resilient and fluid to stay supple and flexible during life’s changes…

All this is available for you. You can set yourself free from old conditioned patterns that have held you captive for years. You can clear out the root cause of unhealthy habits and behavioural issues that keep you from being fully potentialized and healthy as a human being.
Discover the surprising connection between your emotional health and your unhealthy patterns and habits. Learn series of techniques that you will take away with you and continue to use to improve your health in all areas
Be supported
Be supported with specifically designed meals, chosen to support and heal the body.
Go through daily exercise routines (yoga + shaking + e-motion), all designed to unearth the deeply buried issues, which can be cleared in this very supportive and intimate environment.
Become inspired
Make peace with the past and become inspired by the possibilities life offers
"The Radiant Health Retreat has been an amazingly deep journey for me...it brought me deeper than I could have imagined...I thought I was going to a nice food retreat, a birthday present I gave to myself, and I ended up experiencing the most liberating adventure with beautiful friends. RHR revealed to me my own control games and my vows and beliefs which have been hooking me for ages. I would highly recommend the RHR to everyone!!! I will be there again next year!"
Eva Martins
Secure Your Place Today

Invest in your rest and healing
Your course fee includes deeply nourishing meditations, process guidance, and custom tailored yoga and movement sessions.

Radiant Health

3-9 June 2025

25% Early Bird discount available
Use code RH25 at checkout

Valid until 31 December, 2024

Please note that you must be a Journey Intensive graduate to attend this retreat
Find out more about travel & accommodation HERE

It’s a retreat filled with deeply healing and easily transferable Journey skills which will uncover and clear the root-cause of your self-sabotaging and unhealthy habits in life. Sometimes we use food to suppress and bury our feelings, sometimes we get super busy so we don't have to feel. Whatever unhealthy behaviours we may have end up costing us our happiness and health in the long term. This retreat is about accessing and uprooting the core cause of these patterns so that we can be at free and healthy choice. The emotional and physical healing will be supported with body movement exercises, like yoga and 'shaking', to stir up and release buried traumas and painful events from the past.

The food is designed to be inspiring and balanced so that the body is well supported so that healing can take place. A prerequisite for attending this retreat is the STFF 2-day workshop, Out of the Blue workshop, Conscious Leadership Workshop or the Journey Intensive Seminar.

It recognizes, builds upon and integrates neuroscience findings concerning our decision-making processes. Understanding that all our decisions originate from an emotional response or need, the Radiant Health Retreat work explores and clears any disempowering emotional issues that stop us from living a healthy lifestyle.

Anyone who is beginning to recognize that they are unhappy with life, anyone with health issues that wants to support their body’s healing and anyone who knows, deep down, that there is more to existence than simply coping from day to day would benefit from this beautifully nurturing retreat. We have many unsupportive default patterns and habits that we use, often unconsciously, when we are bored, frustrated, anxious or depressed. When we feel overwhelmed and overloaded we tend to be less than conscious with our choices which leaves us feeling like we've betrayed ourselves at a fundamental level.

Come discover, for yourself, which unhealthy behaviours you are ready to let go of so that you can create the most vibrant and healthy you!

Journey Intensive seminar attendance is a must – or Stop the Food Fight! 2-Day seminar Grads, or Out of the Blue seminar Grads, or Conscious Leadership Workshop Grads are welcome. This is a very intimate retreat limited to a maximum of 45 people.

Arrivals on the first day should be in the morning, to allow time to travel to the venue. Hotel check-in is 3pm, and we start with dinner at 6pm.

Departure can be at any time on the last day as there is no session on this day. Breakfast will be included in your accommodation package and then you are free to leave. You can find more details on the Accommodation page

Your booking is secure once you have clicked to book your course place - payment plan options are available at the checkout.

> Once your booking is confirmed, you will receive a link where you can select your accommodation choice (SINGLE, TWIN or TRIPLE share). Your accommodation must be paid DIRECTLY to the venue in advance of your arrival - details will be shared with you in your confirmation letter.


within 30 days of the retreat - Full fee
60 to 30 days before departure - 50% cancellation fee
Prior to 60 days - 20% cancellation fee


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Personal information, which you supply to us, may be used in a number of ways, for example:
- For marketing purposes
- For event swap lists
- For statistical analysis

We will not disclose any information that we hold about you to any company outside The Journey Events Group. For further information on how your information is used, how we maintain the security of your information and your rights to access information we hold on you, please contact the office.
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Mildenhall, Suffolk, IP28 7DE

+44(0) 1656 890 400
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