Life Transformation Week
A Powerful 7-day Online Retreat

During Life Transformation you’ll deepen in your practice beyond all recognition. As Brandon reveals the in-depth techniques needed to create your own designer process, you’ll work energetically at the deepest level of consciousness.

During these 7 days you will:
Go from beginner to magician, as you dive into the in-depth work and become a living expression of grace, catalysing healing on every level for yourself and everyone you reach out to.

For those of you training to be an Accredited Journey Practitioner, you will become an integral part of one of the most profound healing modalities available today and experience life in even more profoundly meaningful, rewarding and fulfilling ways.
Your life’s purpose revealed
On Life’s Purpose Day, you’ll discover the very reason behind your existence on this planet – and begin living as a true manifestation of your purpose.
Evolve from student to master
You’ll start to facilitate The Journey from a place of stillness and Source, letting grace be your guide.
Become a catalyst for transformation
Using in-depth techniques you’ll create your own designer process and work energetically at the deepest level of consciousness. 
With designer skills now part of your DNA, at Life Transformation you’ll:
Throw away the formula and let grace guide you spontaneously and intuitively, with true artistry
Feel confident working with a wide array of specific issues including sexual blocks, addictions, abuse, rape, illnesses, obsessions, relationship issues, depression and more
Elicit and reveal the real core issues underneath the surface story
Experience a Life’s Purpose Process and uncover your soul’s reason for being in physical form

Event Timings

DAYS 1-6


08:00 - 08:45  Morning movement
08:45 - 09:40   Breakfast
09:45                Event begins
Each day includes breaks, 1 hour lunch, dinner, teaching sessions & process work
22:00                Approximate end time each day
08:00 - 08:45  Morning movement
08:45 - 09:40   Breakfast
09:45                Event begins
The final day ncludes breaks, 1 hour lunch, teaching session & process work
18:00                Approximate end time

Event Timings

DAYS 1-6

08:00 - 08:45  Morning movement
08:45 - 09:40   Breakfast
09:45                Event begins
Each day includes breaks, 1 hour lunch, dinner, teaching sessions & process work
22:00                Approximate end time each day


08:00 - 08:45  Morning movement
08:45 - 09:40   Breakfast
09:45                Event begins
The final day ncludes breaks, 1 hour lunch, teaching session & process work
18:00                Approximate end time
Who is this week for?
Firstly, you need to have completed The Journey's No Ego Retreat to be eligible to attend the Life Transformation Week.  Once you have completed those 8 days, you are welcome to attend.

Although this week has been designed to train you to work with people in a therapeutic context, it's not limited to only those with an interest in becoming an Accredited Journey Practitioner.  In fact, about 50% of our participants take this retreat for their own benefit and transformation.  This is simply because it is deeply healing and transformational - and who wouldn't want that for themself?

If you are intending to become an Accredited Journey Practitioner, please read more about the full program here.

How does it work?

During Life Transformation Week, you undergo 7 full days of learning from the inside-out.  The daily teaching modules are pre-recorded by Brandon Bays and represent the most thorough teaching materials.  Your co-host will guide you through the whole week, and you will work in break-out rooms where you undergo the process work.

Brandon Bays will join live for in-depth Satsang sessions where you can get your deepest questions answered and learn from the master of Journey work.

Secure Your Place Today


with co-host
Yollana Shore
Divider Text
15-21 June  2025



with co-host
Gaby Burt
Divider Text
15-21 June 2025

Hear how others have had their lives transformed by this week

LTW was a profound life changing event in which I went through every aspect of my life clearing all the emotional blocks that were blocking me to be my true authentic self. It has left a space in which I can create whatever I want and left heart felt love and gratitude in my heart that now flows through me and out into all of existence. I want to thank the journey team for the phenomenal grace that was provided to me during this life transformational experience.

If you get the opportunity to do this course I wouldn't hesitate. Just sign up. Your soul is calling you home to feel the true essence of who you really are and to live it.

 Andrea Walker 
It's difficult to describe just how powerful it was, but definitely my life's purpose is now what I am living -  to bring compassion, and also the big realization of
how to help achieve it. 
One of the major things that happened for me is that I feel so much more
connected to others
. I'm now seeing their pain and feeling it more like my own. Before I would still have
been massively sympathetic, yet somewhere there
would have been some small judgement. Now it's
just a knowing that the person in pain, whatever their issue, feels the same inside, is suffering and only
wants to be free to love, live and thrive.
  Julia Wilde  
The Journey has shown me what it truly means when people say 'everything you seek is within you'. I have read and heard this statement so many times and tried to believe it, but it wasn’t until the Journey that I actually truly felt the reality of this in my body and could start living from that place. And that’s when the magic of life starts to happen. Thank you.
  Vivien Cumming  
It was an amazing week! I'm so grateful for being there with you all. This week meant for me a real openness and self-discovery that changed my life. It is even difficult to describe in words. It's been 2 years since the first day I learned about The Journey book and since I started with seminars, plus most of the time during the pandemic. Ironically, I will always remember this time as a time of setting myself free, finding myself again and finally during the Life Transformation Week experiencing what it means “let it go”!
  Petra Grand  
DISCLAIMER: The Journey Method is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition or illness, nor has it been scientifically validated in such regard. We can make no promises or guarantees as to its effects, and advise you to always follow the advice of your qualified medical practitioner.

What we do know, however, is that there is increasing scientific research that validates healing at a cellular level. Furthermore, over the past 20+ years many thousands of people have used The Journey Method with, according to their own reports, extraordinary and lasting results. If you would like to discover your own body’s natural healing potential and liberate your infinite potential, we are confident you too will become one of our ardent advocates.

Copyright 2018-2025 The Journey