Life Coaching Masterclass


Fulfil your own life, career and abundance goals as you support others to do the same – as a Journey Accredited Life Coach.

Experience the profound new life transformation model and become a Journey Accredited Life Coach.

Fulfil your own life, career and abundance goals as you support others to do the same – as a Journey Accredited Life Coach.

Experience the profound new life transformation model and become a Journey Accredited Life Coach.

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At the 5-day Life Coaching Masterclass with Kevin you’ll
  Learn extraordinarily effective skills for facilitating deep ongoing life transformation with your clients 
 Discover a unique model that allows you to be on track and guided, while letting go of all formulas 
 Learn how to support your clients to fully unlock their potential and fulfil their true hearts’ desires 
 Hone your skills as a deep and empathic listener to discern and work with your clients’ secret, hidden blocks 
 Learn to address the real issues underlying under-performance, ineffectiveness, procrastination or self-sabotage 
 Realize the potential of the Enneagram as an effective tool to work with career, financial and lifestyle issues
 Understand how to structure long term, mutually beneficial professional relationships   
 Discover how to coach with rare effectiveness with no inside knowledge of your client’s business or vocation 
 Leave confident in your new role as a facilitator of extraordinary life transformation  
If serving as a vehicle for life transformation gives you a sense of meaning or rightness, the Life Coach training will give you the model, skills, techniques, confidence and business-building tools to live your highest purpose. It will also help you meet your own abundance and financial goals. This training encompasses a combination of deep exploration, clearing and practical coaching tools that allow you to create lasting transformation for yourself and your clients.
If serving as a vehicle for life transformation gives you a sense of meaning or rightness, the Life Coach training will give you the model, skills, techniques, confidence and business-building tools to live your highest purpose. It will also help you meet your own abundance and financial goals. This training encompasses a combination of deep exploration, clearing and practical coaching tools that allow you to create lasting transformation for yourself and your clients.
Enhance and broaden the professional appeal of your practice
Become a recognised authority, stand out in your field and attract more professional clients
Become a positive strategic influence in the lives of others
Broaden your client base, and develop ongoing, valuable professional relationships
Unlock your own professional income potential and meet your own financial goals
Find deep purpose and meaning in your own life as a truly effective life-transformation coach
To attend the 5-day course, you need to be a graduate from the Life Transformation Week.

If you wish to receive certification as a Journey Accredited Life Coach, you must be an Accredited Journey Practitioner, PLUS have complete one of the following:
  • Au  thentic Greatness Retreat (7 days) or
  • Enneagram Masterclass Retreat (8 days) or
  • Self-Mastery Membership (1 year)  

Event Timings
 DAY 1
DAY 5 
09:00 - 19:00 (lunch approx 1pm)
09:00 - 19:00 (lunch approx 1pm)
09:00 - 19:00 (lunch approx 1pm)
09:00 - 19:00 (lunch approx 1pm)
09:00 - 18:00 (lunch approx 12:30)
Event Timings
DAY 1  09:00 - 19:00 (lunch approx 1pm)

DAY 2  09:00 - 19:00 (lunch approx 1pm)

DAY 3  09:00 - 19:00 (lunch approx 1pm)

DAY 4  09:00 - 19:00 (lunch approx 1pm)

DAY 5  09:00 - 18:00 (lunch approx 12:30)
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with co-host
Kevin Billett
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5-9 May 2025
 (translation TBC)
DISCLAIMER: The Journey Method is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition or illness, nor has it been scientifically validated in such regard. We can make no promises or guarantees as to its effects, and advise you to always follow the advice of your qualified medical practitioner.

What we do know, however, is that there is increasing scientific research that validates healing at a cellular level. Furthermore, over the past 20+ years many thousands of people have used The Journey Method with, according to their own reports, extraordinary and lasting results. If you would like to discover your own body’s natural healing potential and liberate your infinite potential, we are confident you too will become one of our ardent advocates.

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