Karma Cleanse

Ah...the pull of Mother Ganga calling you home to purify yourself in her divine grace.

An immersive 8-day residential retreat
for No Ego grads and Practitioners

8-16 March 2025, Rishikesh, India

It’s hard to believe that it will have been six years since we last bathed in the holy presence of Mother Ganga’s grace in mystical Rishikesh.

Daily I feel her powerful presence calling me back to once again surrender into her purifying, karma cleansing embrace. And my heart swells with joy to know that we will be finally returning in March 2025.

, I pray you will join me in Ganga’s purifying grace 🙏🏻

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Karma Cleanse Retreat 

Nestled high in the foothills of the Himalayas, surrounded by stunning mountains, the roaring sound of the holy river Mother Ganga will become the sweet lullaby suffusing every moment we are in her divine presence—waking or sleeping. Her presence is everywhere permeating the entire region.   

Rishikesh – ‘The place of the Rishi’s (Sages or Saints) – has for thousands of years been a holy gathering place for enlightened masters, sages, mystics, yogis, saints, gurus and seekers of Truth.  It seems the very ground is imbued with their meditations, prayers, and yogic practices.  The air feels rarefied, pulsating with grace and the presence permeates the atmosphere.

Rishikesh is truly a wondrous, mystical place that cannot be described in words alone and can be fully appreciated only through your own direct experience, in complete surrender.  Every year millions of seekers, pilgrims and masters flock to Rishikesh to sit in the presence of the holy river Ganga to bathe in her magical purifying grace.  

Mother Ganga is said to be the embodiment of the infinite Goddess and it is believed that bathing in her waters purifies your being and cleanses away lifetimes of karmas.

Each day our profoundly immersive retreat will begin with morning yoga overlooking the roaring waters of Mother Ganga in a breathtaking satsang hall that hangs directly over the river. The music of the river will be the constant background to all our satsang sessions. It’s in her divine presence that we will have daily chanting, prayer, meditation, powerful process work to cleanse old karma, clear old soul contracts and purify old issues we have brought in with us, right down to our DNA. Our daily Satsangs will all take place in this wondrously stunning hall, with floor to ceiling windows that allow the full power and glory of nature right into the space. 

The beauty of Ganga’s grace is inescapable. 


We will also pilgrimage to various sacred sites to sit in the unique presence that permeates the very ground we sit upon: we will sit in silence in the powerful presence of a cave that has been used for meditation by enlightened masters and holy saints for centuries. And we will bathe in the refreshing, chilly and purifying water of Mother Ganga, experiencing her powerful transmutational grace. We will offer up long held buried issues to the divine mother, as we sit on the banks of the holy river. And we will also experience the wonder and magic of sacred twilight puja—the spectacular ceremony in honor of the river of grace.

It will be deep immersion where we will offer everything up to the power of the divine. 

Our prayer is that you leave refreshed, rejuvenated, cleansed from the inside out.Feeling as if lifetimes of karma have fallen away and that you’ve learned karmic lessons that you’ve been dragging around for centuries.  
It truly is a wondrous mystical experience for those lovers of Truth who genuinely wish to dive in deeply in the unique pure grace that Rishikesh is.

I am ready to book
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The retreat takes place in the comfort of  Divine Resort, Rishikesh
Our Satsang retreat will turn our hotel, which is perched high on a hill above the river, into a sacred “Journey Ashram” (ashram means place of rest).  Places are limited and will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis.

Situated in the holy town of Rishikesh, the Divine Resort Hotel is the perfect place to experience the Journey’s 8 day Karma Cleanse Retreat.  Every room has spectacular views of the holy river so you will experience the powerful energy and serene beauty of India’s holy river, Mother Ganga. 

I am ready to book
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Flights & Timings 
  Fly to Delhi, India  
8th March 2025 - Arrival Day 
You should plan your arrival in DELHI anytime on the 8th March up until 10pm/22:00 (NO LATER)

We will overnight in Delhi and all leave together for Rishikesh on the 9th

16th March - Departure Day
8am Breakfast in Rishikesh
Departures to Delhi

Flights NO EARLIER than 6pm/18:00 on the 16th March 2025
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Course Fee:  €2347

Early Bird:     €1995 use CODE KARMA2025

E/B price until 30th November & whilst places last


Included in your COURSE fee:

  • Daily yoga
  • Meditations
  • Satsang
  • full course materials

Not Included in your COURSE fee:

